The quality measure for a particular facility is the average quality (rounded down) of all of that type of facility accessible to the security sector. The following facilities are considered in a sector's grade: Yard, Common Room, Canteen, Classroom, Gymnasium, Cell, Dormitory. Note that cold showers increase suppression and this should be considered in sector design. A single hot water shower head will apply this grade increase. Applies to any shower head in a security zone.
(+10) Common Room access (must be controlled via zoning). (+10) Shop access (must be controlled via zoning). (+10) Gym access (must be controlled via zoning). #PRISON ARCHITECT CCTV NOT WORKING FREE#
This stacks with Ample Free Time 20%, so having 8 hours of free time provides a total bonus of (+15). At least 8 hours of the day must be set to Free Time or Work/Free Time in Regime. At least 5 hours of the day must be set to Free Time or Work/Free Time in Regime
(+15) Education / Programs Access (controlled via Policy reports). (+10) Work access (controlled via Policy reports). (+10) Mail delivery (controlled via Policy reports). (+20) Access to Visitation (controlled via Policy reports). This can create issues for shops (see below in #Strategy). In order to restrict a facility contributing to a grading, it must be zoned to a specific security sector. If the facility itself is marked as shared, it will contribute to the grading regardless of whether prisoners can actually walk to the facility or not. Restricting access by zoning off pathways will not effect the grading. The Policy reports UI will allow disabling access to most privileges and visitation access, however access to other facilities ( yards, common rooms, etc.) must be done through zoning. The following inmate privileges contribute to the sector grading. Note that the sector grading of the Protective Custody, Death Row, and Insane (only with Psych Ward: Warden's Edition DLC) sectors has no functional value since these prisoners are not eligible for transfer. This doesn't mean needs should be ignored, simply that the quality of the facilities should be lower and inmate privileges more restrictive. Minimum security should have the highest sector grade with each subsequent security sector decreasing progressively with SuperMax having the lowest grading. Since good behavior is required to meet the criteria for moving to a lower security sector, it is recommended that higher security sectors are built with an increasingly lower grading. In the Cleared for Transfer DLC, prisoners will consider the sector grading during the decision tree for applying to a lower security sector. Some may be morally dubious, like tapping phone lines, and others are eyebrow-raising, like having showers in every cell, but they all work to help you achieve your goals.All Sectors and are graded on the quality of accessible facilities and inmate privileges as set via Regime or Policy, on a scale from 0 to 250 (shown in Logistics -> Min/Med/Max/SuperMax Sec Grading). Some of the better Prison Architect layout tips have been added to this list to give you even more tools to operate safely and efficiently. Since this article was released players have shared even more tips and tricks they use to keep their prisons running smoothly and at a profit. But there are a lot of obstacles ranging from troublemakers, contraband, and riots that prevent this. Updated on Octoby Ben Baker: Running a prison is a tricky business, you want the inmates to get in, serve their time, and leave the system without any problems. #PRISON ARCHITECT CCTV NOT WORKING SIMULATOR#
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